Wednesday, May 3, 2023


 Salvation is for now.

Just a short reminder.

Isaiah 5:13 tells us, Therefore my people are gone into captivity because they have no knowledge

and their honorable men are famished and their multitude dried up with thirst. 

Then in Hosea 4:6 My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge because they have rejected


So let’s look at the definition of  SALVATION (Merriam Webster) as preservation from destruction or failure; b · deliverance from danger or difficulty.  It seems

that we have possibly misunderstood the word salvation, narrowing it down to life after death, with no

benefits while we are living. But I disagree, salvation is so that we may live in the present, in this foreign

land, an abundant life.  This abundant life does not specifically mean money, it means, health, healing, and

freedom from the worries of this world. It means that we have a greater one that goes before us, with his

sword and shield.  I am not saying that there will not be challenges, I am saying that we have wonderful

counsel in those challenging times. Let me present an example that may help us to understand what I am

saying. Let’s say you are enjoying a nice summer day, perhaps at the beach, and you notice someone has

fallen into the water, they are struggling to keep their head above water, and you throw them a lifeline.

After you have thrown them a lifeline, do you just leave them in the water struggling to stay afloat and

carry on about your business leaving them there to rescue themselves, or do you pull them to safety so they

can live? Don’t get me wrong, eternity with God the Father is the goal but I am afraid that we often forget

or overlook the current and present benefits of salvation. The fact is that salvation does not leave us where

it found us. Salvation does not leave us frantically struggling to keep our heads above water. Salvation leads

us to a better place.  

How did we lose sight of this, did someone preach to us a different gospel?


Unfortunately, the subtle serpent, the ruler of this world has blinded us, causing us to believe that salvation

is only referring to where we will spend eternity. Keeping us captives of the lies of this world. Of course, this

is his goal, to keep us blind so that we fall into the pits and traps that he has so cunningly laid out, causing

us to live life in a constant struggle.  I would like to present a question.  Do you think that Jesus died on the

cross only for us to go to heaven after we die?  Really think about this question.  That said, I can see why

many “Christians”  that believe in God, still live as captives and slaves.

We have become convinced that if we say the sinner’s prayer, that is simply enough. We just sit back and

wait on our life to change, while we continue to follow along with the world never considering that we need to

build a relationship, based on thanksgiving for the things we have been rescued from. Sure we may join a

church, and we may follow the rules, but it seems that we forget to seek the Saviour as a father and friend. 

Leaving us with traditions, routines, and work that will not get us far.  In a sense, this only brings us more

bondage, because work without a relationship is “me” based.  This is a religious spirit. This will be a subject

for a different day.  I am not saying that good works are a bad thing, nor am I saying that we should not do

good works,  I am simply saying that we can not attain salvation through those works.  Salvation is a gift, it

is freedom from a fallen world, freeing us from corruption and wrong thinking.  Salvation desires and requires

a relationship with the Savior. This is the gospel, the good news. Jesus died on the cross so that we no

longer have to live a life guided and molded by the world, his resurrection is the most precious and valuable

lifeline we can have.  Remember this (John 10:10) NIV The thief (subtle serpent) comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life,

and have it to the full.  

I am sure some of the religious are going to bring up one thing, I hear it often John 16:33 ……In this world,

you will have trouble…….. Let’s now look at this verse from a different lens, let’s start with the sentence

in the middle of the verse, “In this world, you will have trouble.” But I have told you these things, so that

in me you may have peace.  Take heart, I have overcome the world.  I will most likely have a post on this

in the near future. 

I pray that you have found this helpful in some way, I pray that God the Father blesses you.

Our Authority and Victory In Jesus!

Hi, I hope this finds you well and blessed. As you know I love to write about God and his goodness, and how we can live in all that was paid...