Monday, January 29, 2024

Kingdom Life!

As always, I hope this finds you blessed, in good health, and at peace. I am spending little time with formals today, as today’s subject is important. So, let’s dive straight into the thick of it.

Hosea 4:6 tells us “My (God’s) people perish for lack of knowledge.” With that said, I ask, Are you perishing? Let's talk about this. 

Do you feel like life is a constant battle, a struggle as if everything always works against you? Do you find yourself feeling anxious, fearful, stressed out, or depressed? Do you worry about all of the “what ifs” of life? If you do, please know that you are not alone.  Unfortunately, this is the expected normal condition of our world. We (or at least many) are born into this mindset. We have been conformed to a fallen world, thinking that there is no other option, but I have good news, there is an option. One with a solid and unshakable foundation. Speaking from my own experience, I did not know this for the majority of my life, I attended a denominational church that preached the Kingdom of God will only be experienced after death, that God was far away and always angry, just waiting on us to make a mistake so he could pour out his wrath on us. This left me in a place of struggle, always praying for change, praying for God to come down from heaven and intervene, and praying that things would work according to my plan. I had not been taught, for whatever reason, that God had already provided everything needed and that the Kingdom of God was not far away, therefore I kept looking to the world to satisfy my needs.  I have learned and continue to learn that the Kingdom of God is for now(Matthew 6:9-13), that God is not sitting in the heavens waiting to pour out his wrath (Psalm 145:8).  Anyway, enough about that. Let's look at some biblical teachings that I am hoping will help.

Let's start with Romans 12:2 which tells us that we are not to be conformed to this world. Now why would Paul tell the church this? What else would we be conformed to?  The thing is that our thoughts, behavior, and reactions are shaped and formed by the normal traditional ways and expectations of the physical world we live in, whether good, bad, or ugly. Leaving us depending on a broken world filled with confusion and instability for peace, joy, and provision when none can be found. Sure the world tells you that it can give you these things and you may see small short-lived times of peace between the battles. But there is only one place where an everlasting peace can be found: in God's presence.  Now don't go thinking I have fallen and bumped my head, because, yes, we can live in this world and be in the presence of God.  So, I ask, are you tired of raging storms, and never-ending battles?  Then hopefully this will help.   

Now let's look at Deuteronomy 28 (please read) where we are told about blessings for obedience to God's word and curses when we don’t. Let's pause here for a minute and talk about obedience.  I think we often think we are obedient to God when we strictly follow the 10 commandments, and maybe some of the religious laws, I believe we have been taught that to do these things we prove ourselves worthy in the eyes of God. I am not discounting or belittling following the 10 Commandments, I am just saying there is much more to obedience.  Things that are in God's word, that maybe we just glance over.  It is important to know that God's word is our armor, shield, and protection. I think it would be safe to say, that everyone would prefer to be blessed rather than cursed. If you move on to Deuteronomy 30 you will see that we are offered life and prosperity or death and destruction. Unfortunately, not everyone is aware that we can choose. Now, we need to understand the choices.  To choose life, would be when we accept the word of God as living and truthful, meaning that we use God's word to judge the things of this world. If we do not know God's word, then we are defenseless against all of the things the world throws our way. I would love to spend more time on this, but that would require a book and a bestseller has been written already. 

Before we go much further we need to understand that when the bible refers to life and death, it is on a spiritual level. Also, understand that to prosper does not always refer to financial prosperity, though it definitely has a place. Spiritual death is when we go through life without giving God thought and consideration in our daily lives, when we completely ignore his power and strength leaving us confused, defeated, fearful, angry, anxious, and so on and so forth. Spiritual life is when we rely on and trust in God, giving our thoughts, attention, and expectations to his word. Daily we are faced with this choice, in every situation we must choose what we believe and how we react. So I ask are we going to choose life and blessing or curses and death.  It comes down to the word of the world versus the word of God. We have to choose which one we accept as truth.    

Ask yourself these questions.  Am I living life to its fullest, or am I just living from one problem to the next? Is my soul at rest with comfort and peace, or do I only see negative things that cause disruption and turmoil?  This is generally what we call human nature or our personality, but did you know that these things are all related to the curse we are born into. Now, I am not trying to condemn anyone.  I am simply giving you the information that hopefully will prick your heart and create a desire to learn more about God's word.

I will wrap this up for now with these verses.  Proverbs 23:7 As one thinks in his heart, so he is. What we think about, and what we focus our attention on and base our expectations on is the difference.  If we focus on worldly things, we will produce the fruit of the world.  Or we can choose to think on the word of God, as told in Philippians 4:4-8 "Rejoice in the Lord always, I will say it again: Rejoice!" Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near. Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your request to God.  And the peace of God which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable-if anything is excellent or praiseworthy-think about such things. Whatever you have learned or received or heard from me, or seen in me put into practice. And the God of peace will be with you.  

Finally, please note that we produce the fruit of our thoughts.  Our thoughts are so very important, and we can choose our thoughts and our reactions, we just have to realize that we do have a choice. If we only see the negative things, then that is what we produce.  As always, there is so much more to discuss on this topic, but like I mentioned before, that would require a book, and there is already a best seller, that covers it very thoroughly. 

Watch for future post that will cover more on this topic.

Be Blessed, Love to all. Feel free to leave comments, questions, or prayer requests.


Our Authority and Victory In Jesus!

Hi, I hope this finds you well and blessed. As you know I love to write about God and his goodness, and how we can live in all that was paid...