Monday, April 22, 2024

Kingdom Life: Phillipians 2:12 Salvation and Surrender

Today's subject, again, is Salvation (being saved) and the part we play. Bonus: the word saved (resued) gets its origin from the Greek word SOZO. From what I can find, the definition of SOZO is to save a suffering one (from perishing). For example, one suffers from disease. It means to make well, heal, and restore health. So let's dive into this.

As I grow as a Christian it has become apparent that not all who believe in Jesus as Lord and Saviour have experienced the benefits of salvation. Maybe, it is because salvation (being saved) from a biblical perspective, is presented to us as only securing a home in heaven, therefore leaving us stuck in the same condition(s) as before we believed. This may be due to wrong teachings, no teaching, misinterpretations, circumstances, and situations. If we review the above definition of SOZO ( saved) it does not mention that this is something we have to wait for.  The reason for this is that salvation is for now, while you are alive, look at it as being rescued. Believe me, Satan does not want you to know this. He is the thief and has all intentions of keeping us in the condition of the world, our previous condition before being saved, and out of God’s kingdom. Think of it this way, if you were stuck on a train track with an oncoming train and someone plucked you from the tracks and saved (rescued) you, would you not reap the benefits of that immediately? Would you live and not die? Would you rejoice and be thankful? or would you go back to the tracks and wait for the next train? I'm just saying, it seems that too often we believe in Jesus, but do not expect the benefits of salvation until we physically die. Do we think he suffered and died just to leave us in the same dreadful condition that he found us in?  I think not. Anyway, let's continue on to the part we play in our salvation.

Are you familiar with Philippians 2:12 where we are told that we must work out our own salvation?  What does this mean? Does this mean that we save ourselves? No, definitely not, but we do have a part to play.  Yes, Jesus paid the price in full,  the ransom to set us free from the things that hold us hostage. I ask, is there anything that you can find in your life that may be holding you hostage, stealing your peace and joy? Perhaps it is fear, unforgiveness, hurt feelings, sickness, loneliness, depression, anxiety, etc. These things are not related to the abundant life Jesus paid for. In John 10:10 we are told that the thief comes to steal, kill, and destroy: but I (Jesus) have come so that they might have life, and have it more abundantly.  I don't know about you but I can't stand a thief and when I think about all of the years that I spent held hostage by wrong thinking and putting hope and faith in things that were not worthy, I get a bit angry. I have good news, we do not have to live a life being held captive by a fallen world, we can be saved and rescued from these captives and live the abundant life that Jesus has come to give us. A life of peace, with a firm foundation. 

So how do we work out and grow in our salvation? In Matthew 11:28-30 we are told "Come to me all who are weary and heavy burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light." The part we play in our salvation is surrender, letting go of all the wrong thinking and worldly ways. We can take all of our burdens, things that steal our peace and joy, and lay them at his feet.  The more things that we can let go of and hand over to Jesus the more peace and joy we will have. This includes sickness and disease. Now, I am not saying this is the easiest thing to do, it takes work, because those things have become familiar to us. Sometimes we hold onto those things for a very long time.  We are so easily misled by symptoms, doctors' reports, news, and social media (you know all of the things in this world).  They all present to us information which we then turn into expectations that turn us away from God and cause us to turn our eyes to the world.  No matter what the burden is, we can take it to Jesus. 

In closing, we need to be willing to let the finished works of Jesus work in our lives, let the old man die, and be willing to renew our minds, and graciously accept our new identity. The identity of someone who has been rescued and saved.  I hope this has blessed and encouraged someone today. Keep fighting the good fight and strive for the salvation that was bought at a high price. Live like you are saved. 

Our Authority and Victory In Jesus!

Hi, I hope this finds you well and blessed. As you know I love to write about God and his goodness, and how we can live in all that was paid...