Sunday, June 9, 2024

God is patient with us, a word of encouragement. 2 Peter 3:9

Good day, I hope this finds you well and blessed, highly favored. Today let's talk about the patience of God.  Have you ever heard someone say, "In God's good timing" or "If it is his will", especially regarding healing (and most other breakthroughs).  Phrases like this usually come from a religious perspective, taking any of the responsibility that should be ours and placing it in God's hands. Yes, he knows and sees all, but from the beginning, he has given us the option to choose (Deuteronomy 28,29 & 30). This would be our free will.  You see, God did not create us as puppets, that he could control, if that were the case then we would not need to have this conversation.  Our free will is a huge factor when it comes to realizing and experiencing the promises of God and salvation. So let's dive right into this.

In 2 Peter 3:8-9. " But do not forget this one thing, dear friends. With the Lord, a day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years like a day.  The Lord is not slow in keeping his promises, as one may understand slowness. But rather he is patient with us, not wanting anyone to perish, but that everyone come to repentance. " It is not God that is slow, by no means. We are the slow ones.  We are slow to realize that healing, peace, provision, deliverance, and so forth are sitting on the table and we have been invited to the feast. That is enough said, but we will discuss this anyway.  Now, pair this with Philippians 2:12 where Paul tells us that we are to work out our salvation. Sorry, I am getting a little off course as usual. 

Now, back to God's patience. Let's go to the Old Testament for this. You will find examples of God's patience, goodness, and mercy throughout the Old Testament. In the book of Exodus, we see God's people on a Journey. This journey should only have taken days, but they spent years trying to get to the land promised by God.  All the while, they grumbled, complained and at one point they thought that they should have stayed in Egypt (because this was easy, comfortable, and familiar). Now, all the time they spent wandering in the wilderness, God showed himself to be patient and merciful even amid their rebellion.  They had become frustrated, and doubtful. They had let physical experience overtake the high places in their minds, their thoughts. But still, for 40 years, God took care of them, patiently waiting for them to return their thoughts, and their minds back to him. And yes, at one point God sent snakes, and disease on them, this was after they built a golden calf to worship because they had given up hope while "waiting" on God. There is too much to talk about when it comes to the book of Exodus for one post, but I look at Exodus as a picture of life before Jesus, the old man. I don't know about you, but I am so thankful that the God I serve is a patient, loving father. Hallelujah and amen. Giving God all the praise. 

The journey begins upon accepting God's word as truth.  It is a journey of letting go of all of the previous mindsets, traditions, habits, and rituals. This journey will take us out of our comfort zone, requiring us to rethink many of the things that we once considered to be true. One could call it a journey of consideration, where we begin to compare our thoughts and actions to the word of God. I am not saying that it is always easy as some things will be easier to let go of than others, but that is ok because he knows how we were created. This is the process of mind renewal,  some of it God does, but we also have a part to play.

We can find examples of God's patience all through the bible. I pray that you are encouraged by this and if you are doubtful, then please study it out for yourself. It is often our perception of things that keeps us just short of the goodness of God. It may be a good idea to take a close look at how you see things, it could make all the difference. As always, I hope this has blessed and encouraged you. 

More verses on God's patience

Exodus 34:6-8

Romans 2:4

1 Peter 2:21     1 Peter 3:20

2 Peter 3:9

Nehemiah 9:30

Psalm 103:8

Jonah 4:2

Our Authority and Victory In Jesus!

Hi, I hope this finds you well and blessed. As you know I love to write about God and his goodness, and how we can live in all that was paid...