Saturday, September 4, 2021


 Genesis 12:1

Now the Lord had said to Abram, Get thee out of thy country, and from thy kindred, and from thy father’s house, unto a land that I will show you.
To start this discussion we need to be on the same page as to the different aspects of the bible, not only is it a historical account of the world but a spiritual book where the secrets of the kingdom of God are revealed to us, a book of instructions for life. So, with that said let’s move on.
Now, Abram was told to leave home, country, and kindred (relatives), everything that was familiar and comfortable, the place where he settled, where he knew what to expect. Many times I believe we only look at this in a physical sense, never considering how difficult it may have been for him to leave, but there is much more to leaving home than one may think. Let us consider some of the things that make a home. Perhaps we have traditions, things that have been done a certain way for years, passed down through generations, these could be family traditions, “religious” traditions, or worldly traditions. Another part of a home is the way we view things (opinions, morals, standards), what we consider to be right or wrong, acceptable or unacceptable. We all fall into these patterns because they are familiar to us making us feel comfortable, safe, and secure.
Unfortunately, most of the traditions and mindsets that we become comfortable with, that we call home, come from a worldly point of view. We settle into the things the world dictates to us and call it normal. No doubt, it is human nature to want to fit in and follow the crowd, think as the world thinks, compare like the world compares, expect the same things that the world expects, but we must remember who rules this world and what his goal is. His goal is to steal, kill and destroy, not only physically but spiritually, he is after our faith, hope, trust, and love. He is after our heart for God.
I am praying that this post helps us to realize that leaving home is not just leaving a physical place but a state of mind. A place where we may be tied and bound by the world and its views, letting that take precedence over God and his Kingdom. We were not created to call this world home, but rather to call God’s Kingdom our home, where we are forever in his presence worshipping him.

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